14 Signs You’re Really Happy (And How To Stay That Way)

Happiness is a choice according to scientific research and it’s really up to you if you want to be happy or not.

Share happiness with others

happinessStudies suggest being nice to others increases your act of kindness so pay a compliment or do someone a favour.

Don’t let small things get you down

Focus on the important things in life rather than get upset by minor problems. It’s not that happy people don’t have their downs in life but it’s important to concentrate on what goes right rather than what doesn’t go right that you will learn to deal better with negative events.

Appreciate the little things in life

It’s the small things that are key to happiness. When you appreciate the little pleasures of life with gratitude, you are on the right track.

Take pride in the success of others

A happy person doesn’t just celebrate his own successes but also that of others. When you celebrate the success of other people, you create an atmosphere in which they will celebrate your success too.

Live in the momentmomentFor happy people living in the present is what matters most. Immerse yourself and focus completely on the experience of the present moment.

Have healthy relationships

People are very important for happiness as physical and emotional intimacy can make a lot of difference. Have an extended social circle to get more happiness in your life.

Learn how to tackle stress

Always make sure stress is kept to a minimum. You need to learn some sure-fire stress busters that will work for you. Whenever you encounter stress try these stress-relieving activities. Meditation and exercise are known to reduce stress significantly. Even spending time with your closest friends can help in relieving stress.

Turn your back on materialism

Pursuit of material goods has been said to cause less happiness and less positive emotions. Instead focus on emotional fulfilment. You’ve always heard it say that money can’t buy happiness.

Always think the glass is half full

Make the most of your positive emotions. Optimists enjoy more success and happiness and also have healthier hearts and immune systems. Always look on the bright side no matter how challenging a situation you may face.

Appreciate your sister

sister2In 2011 the University of Ulster found that having a female sibling made both men and women communicate better and remain positive.

 Learn to make new friends

The British Medical Journal published a study which found that people are more drawn towards happy weird love stories people as they want to increase their own levels of happiness. When a social contact is happy, the chances of you being happy increase by 15 percent.

Set goals for yourself

Reaching self-set goals are very important for happiness as well as constantly setting new ones. The Journal of Consumer Research published a study in 2011 that found those who set higher goals enjoy more satisfaction than people who set low ones. Setting goals mean you work towards them and once you achieve them your feelings of self worth are boosted. In the words of Carleton University psychology professor Timothy Pychyl in a 2008 Psychology Today essay, when we pursue our passions we feel good.

Smile for the camera

A study by DePauw University found a link between adults who gave big smiles in their school photos and being happily married after decades. Those who smile at cameras have a more positive outlook and greater social circle.

Sleep better at night

sleepAs long as you are getting a good night’s sleep without tossing and turning you have reason to believe you are happy. A 2013 study by Cornell University suggested that people with positive emotions sleep better at night.how to increase love in a relationship

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